Praise for Rollama
Some kind words from school leaders
Rollama is a must for any teacher who is trying to progress the reading, writing and oracy skills of their students. Our students have significantly developed their knowledge of the English language through using the website. It works effectively for all students, and especially well for EAL pupils who can learn key grammatical concepts in a fun, non-threatening and engaging way.
Rollama meets a fundamental learning need to better engage children in learning English language to develop their core linguistic skills. The website is very engaging as it has a fun and interactive design which students immediately connect with; it gamifies English language learning, like Mathletics does for mathematics. It aligns with the English National Curriculum so it is both progressive and pitched appropriately for teachers and students.
As a Head teacher, I always look for products which will have the most impact on my school community and deliver great value for the school's money. Products that teachers can easily use to track individual progress, that parents can interact with at home and, most importantly, which deliver real results for the students - Rollama does all these things.
Paul Antcliffe, Primary Head Teacher, Shanghai

We've had a fantastic experience with Rollama. Setting up the accounts for the pupils was one of the easiest processes I've done when using these sort of websites (and I've used a fair few!) which was a real positive.
The children engaged really well with the activities. Because they are short, varied and have a points system they're ideal for what our children like to play.
It is perfect for easily setting as homework activities.
Nikki Gill, Year 5 Teacher, Key Stage 2 Lead, Wisbech